Page 4 - LiveOnProjectlori with front cover
P. 4

The Live-On Project

                Praise for The Live-On Project

            I love the Live-On Project because now I will be able to
            write about all of the  memories  I have  made with my

            family.  My three girls will then have the letters to carry
            on our traditions, generation after generation.
                         -Tina Zona, Rochester, NY, stay-at-home mom.

            The  Live-On  Project  provided  me  with  ideas  to  offer
            thoughtful nuggets of wisdom and virtual hugs to my

            children  for  years  to  come.  A  brilliant  tool  we  will  all
            cherish that will also carry a legacy of love.
            -Theresa Velendzas, Glastonbury, CT, mom of 2, health advocate

            As  my  two  kids  grow  older  I  find  myself  afraid  of

            forgetting the special moments we have  had.  I’m
            inspired,  by  the  Live-On  Project,  to  begin  a  written
            connection and time capsule showing them how deeply
            I  love  them.  I  see  how  fun  it  would  be  to  read  these
            letters as a family in 20, 30, 40+ years.  Having a written
            legacy for  my children and for future generations is a
            unique opportunity.  I will be able to share our lives as
            they are now and show them that everything I do, I do

            for love.
                 -Gretchen Stewart, Delray Beach, FL, mom of 2, author

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