
First Steps to Opening a Florida Probate

If you are interested in opening a Florida probate, your Florida attorney will follow these initial steps to open the estate. Deposit Original Will If the decedent (the person that passed away) had a Will, the person that possesses the original Last Will either sends it to the attorney, or files it with the county […]

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Avoid Florida Probate for your Family

The Florida Probate process is so famous for its delays, costs and aggravation that most people try to avoid it, if possible.  Some people, however, are known for saying something along the lines of, “It won’t matter, I will be dead.”  (insert canned laughter).  While it is true that your probate would occur after your

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Need a Will or a Trust

Need a Will or Trust? Ducks in a Row!

Almost everyone knows it is important to receive these documents but many don’t do that. And we wondered why. Why do people avoid getting necessary documents? So we did our own informal survey and discovered the people are just overwhelmed with a seemingly large vats of documents they need to give to an estate planning attorney in order to get their own plans in order.

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